Saturday, November 24, 2012

almost 4 weeks in, Thanksgiving and Inspiration-

South Beach, Miami
Long time no post, but I wanted to just post once this week and tell you it's been a crazy week.  Many of you know I just got back from Miami on Wednesday after being there for a week.  I continued my workouts and supplements BUT I did have three bad food days while I was there.

I'm glad because it showed me how things I used to eat whenever I would go out and have a crazy night are LOADED with a crazy amount of bad calories.

*Keep in mind, since I knew it would be a crazy couple of days I kept my food intake to one meal a day, an Isagenix shake after workouts and then the rest was liquid calories brought on by Adult beverages, lol.  It was the only way to stay close to a 2000 calorie-based day.

So the first night there I caught up with my friend Tony who I have not seen in about two years.  Afterwards, my friends and I headed to Denny's!  Yes Denny's!  I had a "Moons over My Hammy,"  I felt it was only appropriate.  Now, here's where it was interesting.  I know this isn't exactly quality food but you try telling that to someone after a night out.   The next morning while logging my calorie intake, I told my friend Tony I thought it was impossible to have an 8,000 calorie day to which he said, uh, yes can."  My sandwich and the hash-browns  plus I shared the sampler appetizer and it totalled a whopping 1700 calories!

My next cheat night was Tuesday before I got home.  I went to Hard Rock Cafe Miami and I shared a Potato Skins appetizer and for my meal had a Legendary Burger,   a whopping 2100 calories!  That was by far the worst day lol.  For the purpose of not persuading to ge these dishes I will not posted any more food porn.

Due to losing my iphone while I was there, I decided to take a  bar-tending shift at a private party for Thanksgiving so I didn't spend the whole night eating. By the time I got home and saw my family for about an hour, I sat down and had a two slices of turkey a Spanish Tamale and a little Mac and Cheese my sister made.  I think the worst I did that night was a brownie.  The next morning I did get my Thanksgiving Meal which was measured out as to make sure I kept it simple, Then later on in the evening I had a couple of bites of my sister's pumpkin pie and my cousin's killer Pecan Pie, but the rest sits in my fridge!  They were so good I'm scared to finish it.

Today I'm back on track, I just finished my last workout of Level 2 of my program, I'll take a Hot Yoga class tomorrow then start Level 3 on Monday.

You can see my problem area!
Even after I had my sin-filled meals, I got right back into my workouts and tried to regulate having them in my daily intake.  It's not the best way but I figured if I was going to do it, I better make sure I stick as close to it as possible.

So after two weeks of working with this program I can already see progress in muscle memory and more strength which only makes me feel better and ready to keep going.  I WILL look amazing naked, lol.

I ran into this video again and I wanted to share it because this man is amazing and just shows you what people can do when they really want to change they way they live their lives. Watch it and try not to cry.

Cheers guys!

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